What one learns in class room teaching is basically text in the respective curriculums. A quiz related to a particular subject not only makes the learning easy and interesting but also improves its concepts.
Mathematics is the most loved as well as most feared/ hatred subject. It forces one to think critically and execute logically. Like other quizzes, Mathematical quizzes enhance one’s Mathematical proficiency, Intelligent Quotient (IQ) level, a better understanding of Mathematical concepts as well as logically ability to tackle day to day problems.
Quizzes are fun and it is highly recommended that one should not only participate but also try to answer/ complete every question of the quiz. Over the time, a Mathematical App by Matheview Foundation will be floated/ introduced wherein daily sop of Mathematical Quiz will be uploaded and played.
Matheview Foundation is determined to organize a Maha Quiz (in near future) on Mathematics and will take itself to the heights beyond one’s imaginations.
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